“Yes, to err is human, so don’t be one!”


Occupation: Librarian

Birthday: 06/29

Age: Over 200, physically 24

Height: 6’3 with heels, 6’0 without

Weight: 145 lbs

BMI: 19.7

Blood Type: O+

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Gay

Favorite Color: Green

Likes: Books, Becoming one with the earth, Fashion

Dislikes: Full white outfits, Rainy weather, Large bodies of water

Favorite Food: Dirt

Dreams: None




Personality and Mannerisms

Celestine is more of a reserved person, trying to blend into the background as much as possible. When he speaks, he tries his best to talk normally, but his brain is a bit slow, so in order for his brain to catch up, he’ll pause in the middle of his sentence, before speaking again.

Celestine’s ability to learn quickly is pretty impressive for somebody that got revived, but the one thing he’s never been able to do is learn how to change his tone. It’s as if his voice box is just incapable of that. Though, Celestine tries to make up for that as much as possible with his facial expressions.


Celestine Backstory


Lillia - “The… Necromancer… Witch… whatever she is, she’s the one… who brought me back to life, so…. I guess I owe her?” Best Friends

Mrs. Witch - “Lillia’s mother who… owns the library. She’s nice, but I… want to know what she hides in… the basement.” Mother Figure

Salesman - “He's fine…. I guess. A bit…. Of an oddball…. Though. I can't…. Wait for him to die….. so I can….. read his story.” Acquaintances

About things

About the Library - “I… like it. Sometimes I get to… toss my arm at people when… they try to steal The Books. It’s fun. I like to spook… people like that.”

About people - “Many people… come to the library for the same… things, but the atmosphere they… bring is different. Everyone is here to remember their… dead relatives, or to read the… lives of many great people. I know my book is here… somewhere, but I won’t know if… it’s me or not.”

About The Books - “The Books are… very prone to causing havoc if… they leave the Library. Even if they are… just paper squeezed between a leather cover… with people’s names on them, they have souls and life… attached to them, and if The Books leave, then… who knows what horrors can… happen.”

About his arm - “My left arm… got replaced with one of those robot arms, except it looks… like a doll arm. It doesn’t break easily, trust… me, I tried. No matter how much I throw… it at people, there doesn’t seem to be any damage. It’s… weird.”


His old design’s Tupperbox Icon

His old design’s Tupperbox Icon

His old design

His old design
