Celestine had no idea of his past, what life was like before that weird necromancer, with girl. He just one day kind of woke up in that graveyard, a girl yelling about how it finally worked. Celestine was confused, his bones aching from the prolong rest he’d been in. He sat up in his coffin, that odd girl still yelling to herself, his bones cracking as he stretched. None of this was familiar, all he knew was to understand and speak words.

Celestine’s name wasn’t even Celestine, he didn’t have a name until he had been named by that yelling witch. His name wasn’t even on his tombstone, it was just a simple generic cross. The yelling witch’s name was Lillia, and she had soon given him a new job at The Library. It’s “name” was The Library of Life, but everyone had said The Library was unhappy if it was called anything but “The Library.”

Celestine soon met Lillia’s mother, the one who ran The Library. Everyone, even Lillia, called her Mrs. Witch. Mrs. Witch had become a sort of mother figure to Celestine, and Mrs. Witch had taken Celestine in as her son. Though, once, when Celestine had accidentally called Mrs. Witch “Mother”, her smile faltered for a second. That was the first and last time he’d refer to her as “Mother.”